This post is written by Compass Rose’s campus chaplain, Pastor Amy.
“The Lord your God will fight for you. You need only be still.” Exodus 14:14
Jonathan and I have a friend from seminary named Laura. When Laura was fifteen, she completely lost her sight. Laura once told me that after she went blind, she could easily ‘see’ her true friends.
Laura’s true friends were those that, as they would “lead her” somewhere, would not pull Laura along, but would set their pace to Laura’s.
Laura said that simple act revealed so much about how much she was loved and honored.
How many times do we do the same with God?
Often, we try to hurry God along or ‘force’ His hand. We get tired of waiting for an answer or worse yet, we make a decision out of haste before praying and receiving His wisdom and peace. This leads to situations where we must backtrack and ask God to get us out of the pickle we made for ourselves.
God says that He opens and shuts doors that no man can open or shut. There have been so many times in my own life where I felt the agony of waiting for what seemed like an eternity and then, all of a sudden, God opened the floodgates. Suddenly, what I couldn’t have done on my own in years was accomplished by God in a day.
He is King of the Universe. If you will trust Him and wait, God will place the anointing of ease upon your life. What seemed impossible on your own will suddenly become possible with God.
Carl Jung wisely said: “It has been said that hurry is of the devil. No. Hurry is the devil.”
Here is the lie of the enemy: “You must hurry up. You don’t have much time. You’re going to miss everything. Don’t think, just act.”
Here is the Truth of Jesus: “Your days were written in my book before one of them came to be. You can trust me. You have all the time you need.”
Let God set the pace.
To learn more about how Compass Rose Academy can help you and your teen slow your roll,contact Compass Rose Academy today.
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