On Oct. 26, Compass Rose Academy’s director, Mike Haarer will take center stage as a featured speaker in Wabash, Ind.’s Live Life to the Fullest conference.
Everyone wants to be a good parent and raise children equipped with the skills they need to face life’s many challenges. Whether you are a parent or a professional who works with children, teens and families, it’s challenging to determine how to best focus your time, attention and priorities.
Based on the teachings of Dr. John Townsend and Dr. Henry Cloud, co-authors of Boundaries and How People Grow, Haarer’s workshop, “Character-Based Parenting: The Secret to Raising Great Kids,” will address the “whys” and “hows” of encouraging character development in children.
In his presentation, Haarer will share how parents can foster the ability to form healthy relationships; develop responsibility and boundaries; accept the good and bad in themselves, others and the world; and how to discover the unique knowledge, talents and skills to help youth prepare to enter the adult world.
Formerly known as the Day of Healing, the Live Life to the Fullest conference was conceived to provide support to those who are facing difficult situations, and growth to those in search of a more enjoyable and meaningful life.
The program is designed to provide the beginning steps to recovery, and exposure to informative topics that can help transform lives. Conference attendees should expect to experience acceptance, encouragement, understanding and strength, and can look forward to discovering new ways of being and relating.
Haarer is a Licensed Mental Health Counselor who has been working with teens in residential treatment for nearly 10 years. To learn more about his experience and clinical expertise, click here.