When tragedy strikes anywhere in our nation, we have a variety of emotional responses. Instantly, we are shocked that what is unfolding before us is real life and not a movie. Horrified there is a capacity for such evil among us. Heartbroken for the families directly affected by the tragedy. Resolved to treasure our loved ones even more dearly and hold our little ones close.

For those of us working in school and agency administration, we also take a close, hard look at our security measures and evaluate any areas that need to be strengthened or communicated to best protect those we serve.

At Compass Rose Academy, our residents’ physical, mental and emotional safety are critically important. Safeguards and campus security measures in place include:

  • A disaster preparedness plan covering the following potential emergencies:
    • Weapons or potentially dangerous person on campus
    • Severe weather
    • Fire
    • Tornado
    • Earthquake
    • Bomb threat
    • Chemical spill
  • A solid relationship with our local police force.
  • A 24-hour Crisis Response Team equipped with a two-way radio reaching all living units and major departments on campus.
  • A 24-hour emergency medical technician medical response team.
  • Community hospital with emergency department within a 10-minute drive.
  • Four Automated External Defibrillators at various locations on campus, including a mobile unit in the campus supervisor’s vehicle for quick response.
  • 24-hour awake staff supervision in each living unit.
  • Surveillance cameras in each cottage and other multipurpose buildings on campus.
  • Door alarms on each bedroom door in each living unit.

In addition to house parents living in apartments attached to the students’ living units, many other staff and administrators live on campus as well, including case managers, supervisors, program directors, crisis response team members, medical responders and senior staff administrators.

To learn more about how we keep our students and our residential facility safe every day, contact Compass Rose Academy today.