Part of what makes Compass Rose Academy such a great place for troubled teens is the way we integrate faith-based and Christianity-centric teachings into our curriculum. We call this formula Grace, Truth, and Time with each of our students on a daily basis. All our staff is trained in this Biblical model, and it’s part of the way we care for the whole teen, instead of just treating his or her behavior or emotional problems.

First, our staff gives GRACE (unmerited favor, freely given out of love). They do this by using kindness, empathy, forgiveness, compassion, understanding, provision, love and help, depending on what is warranted by the issue at hand. Compass Rose’s use of grace helps the student trust that the staff is for them, not against them. It is the fuel we need to keep our tank from being empty! Unfortunately, if we stopped at grace, we would then be giving our teens a license to just do it again.

In the next step, our staff tells or shows them TRUTH (being reliable and trustworthy, while facing reality). They point out where she didn’t meet the expectations or standards that have been set, and sometimes truth even comes with discipline, such as a loss of TV or recreation or an earlier bed time. This can be hard for the teen to understand but is necessary to help the teen own her choices or actions.

When Compass Rose Academy uses grace plus truth over TIME, it equals God’s intended plan for growth. Our staff must be compassionate and forgiving but require the child to change and be responsible — and this takes time!

The scriptures are full of stories where Jesus demonstrated that grace plus truth over time equals a changed life. Here are a few examples worth reading:
John 8:1-11 (Adulterous woman)
John 18:12-14, 25-27, 21:15-21 (Peter denies Christ and is reinstated)
Luke 19:1-9 (Zacchaeus)

Take a look at all of the disciples and how Jesus showed them grace, spoke the truth and gave them time. Grace, truth and time are all three essential ingredients, and without each one, the work is incomplete.

To learn more about how to use grace, truth and time in your own home, contact us today.