At its core, athletics are an extension of the beauty of creation. Echelon athletes spotlight the perfection of the physical form of man and showcase God-given talents such as speed, agility and strength.

But you don’t need to be an Olympian or play for the NFL to see God’s work in sports and athletics. Physical fitness – whether it’s earned through participation in competitive sports or individual exercise – is another way to treat our bodies like “temples of the Holy Spirit.” Some people even use athletic performance as a tool for worship and a means to live as God wants us to live. It is closely related to virtue, because athletic training requires discipline, physical control and endurance.

Many people experience deeply spiritual moments during athletic performance, whether it’s a feeling of divine support that helps a long-distance runner push past physical limits and finish a marathon or simply a moment of personal clarity during an early morning walk. The duration and repetitive nature of activities like running, swimming, biking or exercising on a stationary workout machine make it ideal for introspective thought, meditation or reflection through prayer. Other athletes do not consciously pray, plan or ponder during a workout, but simply enjoy the mental freedom of being able to “zone out” during physical exertion.

Other activities are themselves physical meditation, providing the athlete with mental calm and spiritual connection through movement. Yoga, tai chi and other martial arts, hiking and even gardening can all be deeply satisfying life-long fitness activities that can help people connect spiritually through physical activity.

No matter what activity you prefer, the reward of connecting to Christ through athletics comes not from winning the medal or having the fastest time, but from communion of spirit, soul and body.

At Compass Rose Academy, physical activity is a key part of our program. Not only does it allow our students a chance to connect spiritually with Christ, it provides an outlet to burn off energy and release endorphins in the brain that elevate mood and improve mental and physical health during treatment.

Our curriculum is supplemented with enrichment activities that reiterate core themes of healing, attachment, development, teamwork, compassion and respect. Students participate in a variety of safe, structured, physical activities not only to improve their health and wellness, but to experience firsthand what it’s like to function as a team and have success working side-by-side with peers and staff. Activities include ropes courses, biking, hiking, swimming and campus beautification, among others.

To support these activities, Compass Rose Academy’s grounds feature a softball field, indoor activity center, gym, fitness center, swimming pool and weight room.

Whether your teen likes to hike solo in a state park or spike a volleyball for her school team, Compass Rose can help her strengthen her relationship with Christ through sports and physical activity. To learn more, contact us.